Paperless Office Form Paperless Office Step 1 of 8 12% TELL US ABOUT YOURSELFEmail* Name* Phone*Company TELL US ABOUT YOUR PEOPLE1. List departments, personnel, and roles. (e.g., HR Department, HR clerk, screening candidates) TELL US ABOUT YOUR DOCUMENTS2. Identify the documents you want paperless. (e.g., resumes, bills, purchase orders) 3. Provide more detail for each document. Include purpose, filled out by, delivery method, reviewer, approver, current storage, desired storage term4. What internal process does each document belong to? (e.g., purchasing, hiring, accounts payable) 5. As the document flows through the organization, who should be notified and when? (e.g., head of HR upon successful screening of resume) TELL US ABOUT YOUR STORAGE6. What is the current storage method? (e.g., shared drive on server, Office 365, Dropbox) 7. What is the current data storage size? 8. What regulatory requirements do you have? 9. Do HIPAA regulations apply to your organization and how? TELL US ABOUT PERMISSIONS10. How are document access permissions currently handled? (e.g., active directory, Dropbox permissions, SharePoint implementation) 11. What role is responsible for assigning permissions? (e.g., CEO, IT department, manager) 12. How do you keep documents from being altered currently? TELL US ABOUT TRANSMISSIONS13. How do you transmit documents to coworkers? (e.g., email, shared folder, encrypted and how?) 14. How do you transmit documents to recipients outside the organization? (e.g., email, other, encrypted and how?) 15. Which documents can we keep in digital format from its conception? (e.g., taking resumes through an online portal only with candidate and job fields to be filled out online) 16. What data is currently being double entered if any? (e.g., member information in two different databases) 17. Which documents should be included on a report to department heads? (e.g., number of incoming resumes) TELL US ABOUT REPORTING18. What reports are required? 19. Are any reports required by regulations and provide detail? (e.g., FCC filings, employee records, HIPAA) TELL US ABOUT ARCHIVING & DISPOSAL20. How long do you need to archive? 21. What is your current method of archiving? 22. How do you destroy your current documents at the end of the archival period? CAPTCHA